Hey friends,
Today I am going to show you how to make your own android app without having any programming knowledge.
So ,lets start
MIT App Inventor-
According to wikipedia-
App Inventor for Android is an open-source web
application originally provided by Google, and now maintained by
the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
It allows newcomers to computer programming to
create software applications for the Android operating
system (OS). It uses a graphical interface, very similar
to Scratch and the StarLogo TNG user interface, which allows
users to drag-and-drop visual objects to create an application that
can run on Android devices. In creating App Inventor, Google drew upon
significant prior research in educational computing, as well as work done
within Google on online development environments.
Things Required-
I contains pic of cat,dog and sounds of cat and dog you can
download it and extract it.
What are we creating?
You might be wondering what we are creating with a cat and
dog,to keep it simple for beginners we are creating a small app with the
photo's of cat and dog and when we touch the cat it shouts meow and when we
touch on the dog,it barks and two other buttons one to pause the cat and the
other to pause the dog thats all for now you can do a lot more if you want but
for now i am keeping it just simple for beginners.Just follow the simple steps
Creating Your Own First Android App-
GO to MIT APP INVENTOR from here log
in using your gmail account as it's a google service,now we will be presented
with the screen as shown below
.But as i created some projects before they will not be
present in your screen ,now click on new project and name the project as
"My_First_Android_App" or some other thing you like.
Remember it wont allow spaces there fore i used
underscores,now click ok.
You will be presented with the screen as shown
A brief
description of the windows
The first window Palette-It contains all the required components to be added
to app.
The second window Viewer-It is the place where we add the components to
our apps.
The third window Components-it contains all the components
The fourth window MEDIA-it is present below components window it is to upload
photo,sound.video or any other media.
The fifth window Properties-its the place where we can change
the features of a component added.
now we
are gona make a quick build our app.
1) Drag and drop
4 button component from the Palette>User Interface to the viewer as shown
drag and drop 2 sound components from Palette>Media to the viewer as shown -
select upload file in the media window and upload all the four pics,and sounds
u have downloaded
for now this are the only things required.
1)Now select the "Button1" in the components
window click rename and rename it to cat click ok
go to properties window click image and select cat.jpg and click ok.Then go to
text in the properties window and remove the text and now select width in the
properties menu and click fill parent and click ok.
Now select "Button3" in the components window same
as above remame it to dog and select dog.jpg in image and remove the text and
select width and click fill parent then click ok
Select "Sound1" in components go to properties and
select the source to "cat meow.mp3"
Do the same for "Sound2" select
Now select button2 go to properties change the text to "press to pause cat"and same for button4 change it to "press to pause dog"
Now select button2 go to properties change the text to "press to pause cat"and same for button4 change it to "press to pause dog"
Select "Screen1" from components window and in the
properties window align horizontally will be-left change it to centre.Now it
looks like below.
Now the main and also easy part begins "Block
Editor" click on "blocks" on top right of the screen
You will be presented with a window as shown below.
the left side you will be having Built in,Screen-1,Any component.For this
tutorial forget about the rest we would only be using "Screen1" Now
click on "cat" under screen1 you will be presented a pop up window
now click and drag the first 1 stating "when cat click do" to
the working window,Now click on sound1 select and drag the second block stating
"call Sound1 play" and fit it in between the first block as
shown in the figure.
you might have understood how to use the blocks,it forms a sentence
like-"When the cat button clicks play sound1"do the same for the
third button the dog click on dog and select 1st block stating when "when
dog clicks do" now click on "sound2".Drag the second block
stating "call sound2 play"It will appear like the below.
Now we have to add buttons to Pause the dog and
cat.click on "Button2" drag the first block stating "When
Button2 click do",now again click "sound1" drag the first block
"do call sound1 pause" fit them both,Now do the same for
button4 drag the first block stating "When Button4 click do",now
again click "sound2" drag the first block "do call sound2
pause" fit them both now the whole blocks blocks like this.
it,you have successfully created your own first android app.now time to test
your android app, actuallu you can connect your phone to app builder and also
see the changes taking place in your app as you are building but for that your
phone and your pc must be under same wifi,Even if you don't have not a problem.
You can download your created android app directly to your phone now just click Build>save appk to my computer.That's it you have downloaded the file to your pc transfer it to your android phone install it that's all the fun begins.You can download the created app from here.
Remember i have not even used 3% of the app builder features and build this app you can create wonderful apps using all the features you can see them from the help tutorials to learn more.
You can download your created android app directly to your phone now just click Build>save appk to my computer.That's it you have downloaded the file to your pc transfer it to your android phone install it that's all the fun begins.You can download the created app from here.
Remember i have not even used 3% of the app builder features and build this app you can create wonderful apps using all the features you can see them from the help tutorials to learn more.
Thanks.If u like my article please hit a like on our fb page here
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